And the reason I'm writing this in English is because I noticed that lots of people from other countries than Finland find this blog (which is no suprise since my blogname is an English phrase) and then I just scare them away with my non-englishness.
Dunno if I'm ever going to blog for real in English, but this is just for fun and I'm bored.
I started to think of how much the world (everything) of Alice in Wonderland has shaped me into the one I am. I don't mean that AiW is or was the biggest thing in my life, but always, always when I've seen gifs, pictures, anything connected to AiW, I've felt like coming home.
It started when I was 9, and the theatre association I had joined the year before put up Alice in Wonderland as show. Of all the people there, of all the 13-20+ years old there, I, who was NINE at that point, got the part as the Red Queen.
I loved playing the Red Queen, getting to shout and all (I'm loud okay?) and ever since then, Wonderland has been a home to me. It welcomes me back, always. But what is it that really haunts me from this universe?
I'd say it's the gore. You may wonder which gore I'm talking about, and I'll answer you Madness Returns.
Madness Returns is a game that touches Alice, 19 years old, who suffers several mental diseases after her family got roasted alive while their house burned down. Only Alice herself survived. Now, as an almost grownup she has horrible hallucinations and gets to Wonderland where everything is horror and gore.
Best game ever made.
I even created a small play about it when I still was in the theatre school. It was pretty horrible, where I acted as Alice and my friend as Dr. Bumby and one was the Mad Hatter and another one was Nanny, The story was kindof copied from the game, but not entirely. Well, I think it actually was pretty cool, but as usual everyone else was freaked out and apparently my wrist snapped loudly when my friend grabbed me by it, and the teacher said it was scary (which she used to say about anything I created).
But I can't help but feeling welcomed to that mad place. Somewhere gore. It's so hard to explain but sometimes there is this one place you want to belong to, wether it is New York och Middle Earth. And Wonderland is kind of my place.
A place I can never visit.

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