No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

tisdag 20 februari 2018

Sweet dreams are made of this

While we're at it, I want to tell about two dreams I've had during this month.

In the first I was at a library with a friend. This friend has had her problems irl during growing up which led her to be a nihilist. And there, in the dream, in the library, she suddenly shows me a hand grenade that she carried around. She told me we should blow the place up, and before I could react she threw the hand grenade and it exploded. I remember the horrible hurting sensation the smoke gave me, it hurt so much breathing explosion smoke down your throat.
We ran away. I was scared, scared of being caught and seen as an accomplice in this crime. And my throat hurt so bad.

The second dream however was different. I was kidnapped by Dettlaff, the villain in Witcher 3 Blood and Wine. He threatened me, told me he'd strangle me to death. I begged him to not do it, and it was clear this was pure pornograpfy for him, seeing a human begging for her life. This continued a few times and he got stoked by my pleading. The whole situation gave him a boner or something like that. And for me, the feeling of being a masochist was... different. I managed to run away eventually, but damn it was an intense dream!

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