This is a topic I've though about for at least a couple of years. It's kinda the same thing as when I cursed people for bragging about their depression, but this time it's all about people thinking they're beautiful special snowflakes because they like creepy stuff.
I remember vividly when the same girl I cursed (for using her depression as a badge of honor) said something along the lines of: "I'm probably totally sick in my head, I mean, I google like serial killers and stuff and am totally fascinatied by it, omg, I'm so original and blah blah blah".
There is no such thing as being original or cool or perky because one fucking googles serial killers. Haven't we all done that at some point? Looking up videos on youtube and investing some time researching? I mean, yes!
I got so furious when the other girls gave her looks of respect. I hid my rage of course.
She's not the only one I've heard praising herself and/or other people for being sooo special for knowing lots about murder. And it drives me mad. Murder has interested the human species for as long as forever. I mean, there's alway a murderpage in ladies' magazines. Imagine all the 50+ ladies getting all cozied up by murder. That's how it is. Liking reading about murder/kidnappings/creepy stuff is not original. It never has been.
If someone were to say: "I'm probably totally sick in my head, I just googled how to make slipknots and how to cut myself so I'd bleed to death in one evening and how to punch a spike through your tongue, and I'm totally fascinated by it", I bet my head no one would regard you as funny nor special. They'd see you as a freak and/or scary.
Gore is also one thing that's tabued.
- blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence.
You are not allowed to talk about gore because "think of the ppl getting nausea when you talk about intestines being ripped out". Two or three years ago I wrote a post being sad that I cannot express myself because I'm being shut down when the other don't want to hear me talk about something gore-y. But when someone brags about googling murderers they're getting all praised like jesus :)
It's just so hypocritical. All of it.
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