No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

tisdag 12 november 2019

Time IS indeed running fast

How suprisingly easy it is to fall down a hole where suddenly life just pass by and you don't even notice?

Time is runnig so fast I can't keep up.

I am currently listening to my new favourite piece of music (and have done so for quite many hours in a loop because I am that person who literally listens to a song for a year non-stop)

it's called Save me by the band Globus.

And I swear, when I heard that song for the first time it awoke so many emotions in me, because I knew that if I had heard this song when I was 17-18 it would.... I don't know, but I felt that this song fits in my mindset and my then current emotions when being in that age.

Ok I know the song is extremely angsty. It is about a person on the verge of suicide and asks for help (hence the name "save me") but my god if it isn't the most beautiful song I've heard in a good while.

Oh, Save Me from fear and pain

And love will rain on me

Save Me today, 'fore tomorrow 

Finds me at rest

This song became now the theme song of the story I'm currently writing. No, there's no suicide involved, but a kidnapping and hostage situation that is very stressful for the ones in the that situation and those lyrics fit that scenario too, and ooooooh I get emotional when thinking about my baby characters!

They're a bit younger than my usual main characters, they're just fourteen instead of seventeen eighteen that is my usual target to write about. The best thing is that I'm the writer so I can make sure they get a happy ending (or I promised my readers that already because someone was worried about that so I promised to create a happy ending and tbh I would be sad too if I were to kill them off. I love them cuties).

I even drew a pic of them when being bored that turned into a full lineart picture. These are my main characters :) Though I didn't make them up myself (fanfic u kno), that's why is was so easy to draw them lol.

The middle character to the right is activating "magic", hence the hands in such a weird position. The symbols beside each character symbolise their home country.

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