No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

onsdag 28 november 2018

I'm going to share a photo of myself to you

I've not really shared a picture of myself on here before, but there's one photo of me here in a post from 2015 if you wanna see how I look there. This is yours truly, the writer of this blog, me.

This is a pic I took for Snapchat, which I never posted because I look so sad here and while SC is my most honest social media (if this blog doesn't count) I don't want people to think I'm fishing for empathy or anything by posting cryptic photos.

The think I love with this photo is the fact that my face is covered by two shadows. One shadow is dark and it's covering about a third of my face, representing the part of me that's... well... dark. The part drawn to angst, death and whatever. The hidden part of me.

The other shadow is lighter, but still a shadow. That shadow represent the grim joke-part of me, and the negative traits that still work in life. Other people see this part too of me. It's lighter than the darkest part, but still darker than the averege part.

The final third of my face is covered in light. This is the part of me that is shown to society, to everyone basically. 

I just think it's so cool and interesting that this shadowy-thing occured when taking that photo!

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