No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

söndag 2 december 2018

Quotes from my tumblr

I own a tumblr page (msg me if you want the name of it) and onto it I sometimes reblog quotes that I relate to on some level, and I thought I'd share some of those quotes here. Note: I havn't written these, only reblogged them.

"my only two moods ever are tenderness and hysteria"


"me trying to express how I feel: Idk I just feel like…idk…idk…idk man. Nvm I’m good"


"live your life like a ghibli movie where literally everything is charming and beautiful"


"im a simple girl.. i see book, i buy book, i let book sit on my shelf for months unread"


"My life is just stress and good music"


"no song will ever sound like home more than “concerning hobbits”"


"me @ the demons that stand at the end of my bed:
it’s a lot warmer under the covers if you wanna come cuddle"
I just love sleep so much ……. like u just close ur eyes and ur gone bitch ………… brain logged the fuck off ……… powerful
Do you ever just go wow I have a lot of repressed anger

how dare this outfit I planned in my head not look good on my body. disrespectful

These are quotes from 2018. I think they're nice and descriptive :)

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