No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

tisdag 28 maj 2019

Closing chapters

I'm in that age where everything changes. Ends. Change form.

Don't worry, I've got so many acting/theatre/philosofical posts coming up sometimes when I'm not dying under stressing time tables, but HEY it's summer v soon, and I'll get to chill.

Tomorrow's the last real day of work and, oh, fuck, I will miss it so much! The teenagers, my co-workers, everyone.

I knew I would only work at this school for one year. I knew it and I accepted it. But now.. I want to continue, but I can't and I wont.

There's been days that I've been so tired and stressed. There's been days when I've been so angry at my students, and there's been days when, ah, the studen't been so NICE and wonderful. It's been a
hell of a roller coaster but a damn fun one.

When my job ends, I'm in for a change. I will return to my studies, but I'll have no friends there. Everyone has graduated already, except me.

The organisation I used to do work for free for is not for me anymore. I've made the promise to not go back, after all the pain I've experienced. So that's a no-no.

(I will probably go down in a low key depression again because of this change of life, but I doubt it'll be as powerful as it was one-two years ago.)

And after this final year of university studies, I'll go back into working life, this time for good. I'll finally grow up for real.

If I not by some magical miracle pass the exam to the actor studies, but, hell, I doubt I'm that good of an actor to pass the test amongst hundreds of others. But I want to try.

So, what will I do except writing my Master Thesis?

- Write another play/script. Something else than angsty teenagers? Hehe, dunno. I've got a script I've begun at called Firewalk about a girl killing her best friend by accident. Don't know if I'll continue on that or just write something completely new.

- Finish my second novel. Aaarghh, there's like 100 pages left or even more before my second novel's first draft is finished! I think I'm going to call it "A heart of darkness", and it's a straight continuation from my first novel "Children of a murderer".

- Get more fit. Like walking, going to the gym etc

- Plan my wedding even more. My wedding is in 7 months (!!!)

- Draw and sing

- Re-game Witcher 3, Wild Hunt. I began gaming it again last week. 200 + hours, here I come!

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