No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

lördag 5 oktober 2019

More about sharing texts

I'm baffled.

When I wrote the last post, around 600 people had read/clicked up my story on the site it was uploaded to, and today over 700 has done it. That's one hundred more in like two days.

Hits on a fanfic is a whole different thing than views on a youtube-video. We've been so blunted to views on Youtube, I think. We value a video out of views, and, hell, even if a video has less than 10 000 views the creator is not seen as successful (in the English-speaking community). Do we even know anymore how many people ten thousand are? Videos with over one hundred thousand views are maybe viewed as successful ones. A video with 700 views is nothing.

But here's my tea. It's easy to watch a video. It demands nothing of you, just an ounce of your concentration (if even that) for ten minutes or so. That's why Youtube is so popular - because the viewer can take the easy way out. You can clean your apartment while a vlogger babbles on about their day and you don't even have to listen that closely.

Reading a story is a whole other matter. Reading is an activity that demands quite a lot of the brain. If you read normal pace, I think it takes about 2-3 hours to read the story I've uploaded. That means, that out of the seven hundred that opened my story, maybe four hundred read it in its enterity, and sacrificed hours out of their free time to read it. That's about how much some of the FinnSwe-authors sell on less known books.

And it's all micro managing. Only people interested in this fandom, in these characters, will be interested in my story. And that's why it feel to me like such a big number of people.

It makes me goddamnt proud. And yes, I am allowed to feel proud. I put probably twenty hours in writing it, so let me be happy people enjoy what I put my soul into.

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