No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

fredag 5 oktober 2018

One shots of horror

If I had a folder where all the posts I've deleted by now before posting them were, it'd be full of texts. I write onto here a great deal of stuff that I never post, partly bc I feel like shit after writing them, or because they still don't feel too relevant.

But hey, I came up with a new script idea for a shorty. Sometimes, when listening to music I come up with plays that occur in my head. I know some people imagine movies or music videos but I have for the last like six years always imagined plays where the song is the storyteller of the play. Some of the plays are all silent except the music, leaving only my expressions as the lines.

Once have I showed such a play at my drama work, and it turned out to be the hardest play I've ever done. Only expressions, no sound, no voice but the song, which was the ending of Room of Angel - Silent hill. It was hard not to laugh, because the audience were really close up (like two meters) to me, and I saw their reactions. They were horrified.  Damn it was hard, but I made it. I delivered horror to them, and damn straight was the delivery great.

Silence speak the loudest sometimes.

That was a side note.

Today I came up with another great one shot of a story about the nine levels of hell combined with the song "Final Judgement". Damn, imagination, will you shut up? No? Never, probs. It's okay. I love my one shots, but still, it's such a shame that no one will be able to see them. I do them for myself when I'm home alone, but that's about it.

Maybe I will one day make Youtube videos with these one shots. The ones I don't care if someone steal the ideas from. It would also be great practice to see myself act.

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