No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

tisdag 21 januari 2020

Once you dive in, it doesn't leave you

I'm acting again!

In a real show! Real show to which people pay money for coming watching us.

My character dies, gets shot in the head. So ironic how I got a role that dies in a way I would gladly have portrayed and come up with when I was working for the theatre school.

I swear, when you once pledge your life to the angst way, angst finds you no matter what you do. And I mean that in a good way.

I'm feeling better than I've done in a so long time. So I don't dwell in my own angst as much as I used to before, so it's fun to revisit the mindset of dying when I haven't done that in a while (for art of course. Not as in real suicide). When I write angst I keep it so strongly connected to the characters, and not me, which was the outlet and starting point everytime I was acting.

In acting, all angst came from me. I channeled it myself. In writing, I'm portaying someone else's angst in a different way. Fascinating.

Oh! I'm also in a server on a website called Discord where I've gotten tons of friends over the internet, and I've got to tell a story from our chats there, but I'll leave that for next post.

Maybe I'll post it tomorrow.

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