Hello, it's absolutely no secret that I've taken my writing up a notch these past years, and I'm currently very very very into writing and I write fictional pieces everyday.
I'm also currently reading a book on writing, by the Fin-Swe author Karin Erlandsson, and the book is essentially about authorhood, about writing everyday as your profession and how to make your life circle around your need to write.
I do not like that book, which is a pity, since the idea is nice and it has nice parts, but the author is so harsch with her ideas and talk shit about other authors and their ideas of what writing essentially is, as if her version is the only correct one.
Writing is so very different for all people, for all authors and for all hobby writers. I puke out text in a fast speed, while others write cautiously, carefully crafting the sentences after careful worldbuilding. And neither is wrong, why doesn't she get it?
Anyway, she was very firm with one idea. Talent doesn't exist in writing, according to her. Writing is purely made out of discipline and training.
And I think so too. But we can't let talent go unnoticed either.
Murakami, one of Japan's best writers, world wide known winner of many prizes wrote a text about writing the other week, and according to him, the most important part of writing is... you guessed it: talent.
He said that without talent one can't be a good writer. Yes, you can practise, and you can train, but you won't ever be good if you lack talent.
Pretty harsch that too.
But in acting that is true. I don't think anyone can be a good actor without talent. But in writing?
I don't know. Writing is a craft, and a craft can be trained, but it's also art and art is talent.
What do you think?
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