No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

lördag 7 december 2019

When finishing something that meant something for you

Ooh, separation anxiety, hello!

From my story, of course.

I finished it. Like, really, really finished it. I published the final chapter and let it go.

It turned out wonderful. Became 81 000 words long. I grew so fond of my main characters, you've got no idea.

I wrote the whole thing in English, and I'm so proud of me for doing it.

Hell, I know people won't get the gist of it because it is a fanfiction, meaning it's inspired directly from events from the original (in my case the anime Naruto), but what the heck:

Here's the link to the story,
in case anyone wants to read it with google open in other tabs to figure out what the hell this universe is.

Now I'll go off writing on my Master Thesis.

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