No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

måndag 14 oktober 2019

Hello, I didn't die

I can't remember the last time there was unplanned six days between posting. I love posting here.

I found a way to get the voice back. Maybe that's why I'm floating in my headspace.

I've had lots of things to do.

I write. A lot.

I chose the final wedding dress I'm about to have. It's so beautiful.

I've been to the pony everyday of this week, as my mum fell sick, and I had to postpone/ not do other things in order to have time for the pony.

The pony have been really wild these late days. No, I've not fallen off, of course, but she's not the easiest to ride, at the moment. Funnily enough, I kind of enjoy it either way.

I turned 24 years old. Had a little party for my family. Made a blueberry pie that was absolutely sheisse, but tasted good, yo!

I sleep a lot more. Since the days got darker and darker, my energy deplete. It's okay though, I know this is just the cycle of my psyche.

I read. A lot. Wonderful stories, brutal ones. Romantic ones. Ones where the main character is abused. Great ones.

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