No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

söndag 17 mars 2019


I just have to share a song with you, guys!

This is a song called Angels of Darkness, a song from 2003. This song was a song  E V E R Y O N E listened to. Not in real life, no no, on the internet! Everyone, from each corner of the world, in the social circles I was a part of, listened to it.

This was a song that was just between us, on the internet. No one in my school knew this song, even less listened to it. You can imagine the chock it gave me when my "little cousin" told me she loved the song. I couldn't almost believe it "because no one else knew the song, it was my inside song with the people from the internet!". Lol. There was probably more people from ex my school who knew the song, but everyone saw it as an embarrasing internet anthem so no one ever mentioned it.

I came across this song yesterday, and I had almost forgotten it! So I had to listen to it again and omg those memories.

But I mean, this song is no masterpiece, but an edgy 13-year old who identifies with the lyrics (aka me ten years ago) thinks probs this song is great.

It's catchy though.

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