No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

torsdag 6 juni 2019

Achievement anxiety part 2

Sorry. I'm so sorry you have to witness all of my stupid rambles once again, but I can't stay silent. None of my friends will ever ever understand so this blog is the closest thing I have to actually rant about things. This is me as a moron. Again. 

And it's yet again about achievement anxiety that I wrote hell of a long post about last but IT DOESN'T END THERE.

You see, a new web series called "So fucking good" (about achievement anxiety amongs young women) has just been released, and I watched the first episode out of four and I got so FURIOUS

So triggered. So angry.

The worst thing is that I don't even know why I'm angry. I don't know why I get angry at other people's anxieties?

I think it is as this all achievement anxiety has gotten the spotlight for media and art for the whole spring, I feel like this all anxiety has been normalized. Having achievement anxiety has become the norm among young women.

We're supposed to feel anxious about being perfect.

Something crawls inside of me, I become lit on fire when this discussion takes place. I get so mad.

I KNOW I SHOULD MIND MY OWN BUSINESS AND NOT PRY IN OTHER PEOPLE'S ANXIETY but when so much money is put on exploiting this issue.... äh. Yeah, yeah "i wished i had this content when i was 18 years old blablabla", they say.

I hate that this has become a norm. I dislike that this has become the becon of art and TV. It doesn't have to be this way. I don't like that we are portayed as weak girls constantly feeling not worthy. Because these programmes and whatnot makes it seem like all upper secondary school girls are dying under pressure. Are they, really?

From my experience as a teacher, it's only a few. They were all friends with each other, and thet fed each other with anxiety. Yes. They feed each other with it. And that's what I feel like programmes like these do. They feed us with the wrong stuff.

Why can't we teach girls and women to feel confortable without making the achievement anxiety the greatest issue of 2019? Cringe much.

Maybe you understand.

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