No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

fredag 13 september 2019

Robin Hood

One of my favourite stories of all time is the story of Robin Hood. There's so many adaptions out there that there's barely any idea in arguing which adaptation is the "real" one, but I've seen quite some of them and I usually enjoy them immensely.

The reason why I love the story of Robin Hood is nothing less that you'd expect from me, considering my preferences when it comes to stories.

I love execution scenes, and have since I was a child, and I happen to love hanging scenes, too. The climax in the basic Robin Hood story is when he is finally caught and brought to the gallows and the audience is to believe he'll die, but eventually he's saved.

The Disney version doesn't obviously (sadly) have the hanging scene in it, but there's a scene when guards capture him and tie him down, and that was the best part of the whole movie.

In 2010 a bigger theatre here in Finland put up Robin Hood and I was living it! Not only was Robin really defensless with the noose around his neck, he was almost naked too, and the bad guy carved into his belly with a knife and I was reveling in that scene. Fuck! I love torture on stage.

Anyways -

When I was 10-11 years old I had a story in my head that was basically inspired by the story of Robin Hood. I never wrote it down, but I daydreamed about that story quite a lot.

Contrary to the real Robin Hood, my own story circled aroung three siblings. The oldest one, the boy, was called Omega. He was the smart ass of the trio, and concocted the plans. The middle sibling, a girl, was called Robin, and she was basically the Robin Hood with the good morals. The youngest sibling, a girl, was called Lakrits (meaning liqourice) and she was the devil of the group and the one who did all the dirty work. She was also the only one to get caught and brought to the gallows.

The scene I daydreamed was about Lakrits being hanged, and Robin and Omega being in the audience, panically trying to find out how to save their little sister.

I never found out a way for them to save her. I never wrote down the story, never gave them backstories (that I remember), and these three characters live in a limbo, and they will forever remain as a childhood story.

I would love to act in the story of Robin Hood on stage. I would love to act as Robin Hood. But I could just as well act as the bad guy, but DAMN, a female Robin Hood sounds good, doesn't it?

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