No Story Lives Forever

No Story Lives Forever

tisdag 27 augusti 2019

More "Get to know me-tags" because I'm bored and have no imagination

1. Where did you grow up?
In a semismall place, with many neighbours, and then we moved when I was 11 years old to a big house but less neighbours. So I was quite lonely at our new house.
2. Where do you currently live?
In Helsinki, the capital of Finland.
3. Who is your first best friend?
Someone I'm still friends with? That'd be E. But V was my first true bestie, and that friendship went all down the drain.
4. How tall are you?
5.Dogs or Cats?
6. Funniest moment throughout high school?
I take this as secondary school, age 13-15, and I don't have many "funny" memories from this time, but maybe when my flirting with a boy was not successful and I hurt him by accident. THAT was pretty funny.
7. What year were you born?
8. Are you in/have you gone to college?
9. What is your favorite drink?
White Russian is a go for me, but also those ice cream drinks that's barely alcohole and mostly just soft ice yum
10. What is your spirit animal and why?
I would like to say wolf, but maybe it's a horse. An animal with prestige.
11. You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it?
CONFESSION. I have never ever worn perfume. I think it's unneccessary and expensive and uugh
12. Tea or Coffee?
Why not have BOTH??
13. What are your life goals?
To be happy. To be happy, goddamnit, I don't ask for more. Also, steady income would be great. Me accomplishing in the fields I want would be a dream. But happiness above all.
14. What sports do you play or have you played?
Have done: Floorball, badminton and ice skating. Still do: horseback riding
15. Have any books you read changed your life?
Change my life is maybe an exaggaration, but HP-series is a good one. Vingklippt ängel is another one. And the biggest physical reaction from the fanfic "in dreams you follow (but i dream in the dark)"
16. What is your favorite movie?
Can't choose one, but Your Name is in the top three.
17. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
I'm quite bad with keeping up with Youtubers and watching their videos. Katrin Berndt is the one I would recommend.
18. Do you speak any languages and how well?
Swedish, Finnish, English. Fluent.
19. Are you single or taken?
20. What is your idea of your dream date?
Eat together and then fangirl (or well, fanboy) over certain series of course.
21. How long was your longest relationship?
4,5 years and counting.
22. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Alternative, never use jeans, black but also colours.
23. What is your go-to hairstyle?
A ponytail??
24. How many siblings do you have?
A brother
25. What is your go-to fast food order?
A burger? Okay, my guilty pleasure is the Triple Cheese burger tho!
26. Do you use PC or a Mac?
27. Your most memorable vacation memory?
I have many many of those! But I may tell one from my childhood; me taking my toys with me on a little floater boat with my cousin and we play in the boat in the ocean outside a small island in the archipelago. The toys were the pegasus from Hercules, a killer whale and dogs. Man, we had fun!
28. What are your morning, evening routines?
Mornings: wake up, go to the computer, make coffee and breakfast, eat as I'm on the computer. If I'm in a hurry no computer.
Evenings: Computer, and then hug with fiancé and then sleep.
29. Do you have any bad habits?
Heh many. But maybe my addiction to my computer could be considered a bad habit?
30. Tell us one thing about you that we wouldn’t know?
My sexual awakening as a six year old innocent child was that of me watching Digimon, and seeing an humanoid dragon-thingy, and I fell in love with it. The humanoid dragon! Flamedramon is his name, look him up. I fall, even to this day, in love with fictional boys every now and then. My fiancé thinks it's cute..

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